
10 months ago
/** reloads bricks accordian after facet reloads **/
add_action( 'wp_footer', function() {
		document.addEventListener('facetwp-loaded', function() {
  }, 100 );
1 year ago
add_action( 'wp_footer', function() {
      document.addEventListener('facetwp-loaded', function() {
}, 100 );
4 months ago
/** close flyout on facetwp-loaded so that the user doesn't need to close after facet refreshes **/
add_action( 'facetwp_scripts', function() { ?>
        (function($) {
            document.addEventListener('facetwp-loaded', function() {
              if (FWP.loaded && $('.facetwp-flyout').hasClass('active') ) {
<?php } );
12 hours ago
add_action( 'facetwp_scripts', function() {
      document.addEventListener('facetwp-loaded', function() {
          if ( FWP.loaded ) {
}, 100 );
7 days ago
// Adds wrappers with class "column-wrapper" surrounding top-level 'facetwp-checkbox' elements and their following sibling 'facetwp-depth' elements, for column styling
// Replace 'myfacetname' with the name of your facet

add_action( 'facetwp_scripts', function() {
    document.addEventListener('facetwp-loaded', function() {

      // Get all top-level facetwp-checkbox elements
      var checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.facetwp-facet-myfacetname > .facetwp-checkbox');

      // Loop through each checkbox
      checkboxes.forEach(function(checkbox) {
        // Create a new div element for the wrapper
        var wrapper = document.createElement('div');

        // Find the next sibling div with class facetwp-depth
        var depth = checkbox.nextElementSibling;

        // Append the wrapper before the current checkbox
        checkbox.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, checkbox);

        // Append the checkbox element to the wrapper

        // Check if the depth element exists and has the class facetwp-depth
        if (depth && depth.classList.contains('facetwp-depth')) {

          // Append the depth element to the wrapper
}, 100 );
1 week ago
/** Trigger rocket-DOMContentLoaded or DOMContentLoaded after using facets
 ** Change 'rocket-DOMContentLoaded' to 'DOMContentLoaded' if you are not using WP Rocket lazy load

add_action('facetwp_scripts', function () {
    document.addEventListener('facetwp-loaded', function() {
      if (FWP.loaded) {
        window.document.dispatchEvent(new Event("rocket-DOMContentLoaded", {
          bubbles: true,
          cancelable: true
}, 100);
3 weeks ago
// Add to your (child) theme's functions.php

add_action( 'facetwp_scripts', function() {
      document.addEventListener('facetwp-loaded', function() {
        if (FWP.loaded) {
}, 100 );
1 month ago
// Changes 'mi' to 'miles' in a Proximity facet's radius dropdown
add_action('facetwp_scripts', function () {
    (function($) {
      document.addEventListener('facetwp-loaded', function() {
        let radiusdropdown = document.querySelector('.facetwp-radius-dropdown');
        radiusdropdown.querySelectorAll('option').forEach(option => {
          if (option.textContent.trim().endsWith('mi')) {
            const newOptionText = option.textContent.replace(/mi\b/g, 'miles'); // Replace 'mi' with 'miles' if it is at the end of the option string
            option.textContent = newOptionText;
}, 100);
2 months ago
// Hides a facet if there is only one option left
// Replace 'my_facet_name' with the name of your facet (4x)
add_action( 'facetwp_scripts', function() { ?>
    (function($) {
      document.addEventListener('facetwp-loaded', function() {
        if ( FWP.settings.num_choices.my_facet_name !== 'undefined' && FWP.settings.num_choices.my_facet_name < 2 ) {
          $('.facetwp-facet-my_facet_name').addClass( 'facetwp-hidden' );
        } else {
          $('.facetwp-facet-my_facet_name').removeClass( 'facetwp-hidden' );
<?php } );
3 months ago
 ** change facet1 to the name of your first facet (the facet to check selection)
 ** facet2 to the name of your second facet (to be disabled)

add_action( 'facetwp_scripts', function() {
    (function($) {
        document.addEventListener('facetwp-loaded', function() {
            if ( 'undefined' !== typeof FWP.facets['facet1'] && FWP.facets['facet1'].length > 0 ) {
                $( '.facetwp-facet-facet2 select' ).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
}, 100 );