1 year ago
add_filter( 'facetwp_i18n', function( $string ) {
// Get the current site's locale
$lang = get_locale();
$translations = [
'fr_FR' => [
'All categories' => 'Toutes les catégories',
if ( isset( $translations[ $lang ][ $string ] ) ) {
return $translations[ $lang ][ $string ];
return $string;
6 months ago
// Note: in FacetWP 4.3.2 the facetwp_i18n hook was added to the Button item, making it easier to translate the Button text.
// See: https://facetwp.com/help-center/listing-templates/listing-builder/#translate-the-button-item-text
// The solutions below can still be used for older FacetWP versions and other items.
// To tranlate a Button item's Button text:
add_filter( 'facetwp_builder_item_value', function( $value, $item ) {
if ( 'el-2epdx' == $item['settings']['name'] ) { // Replace 'el-2epdx' with the name of your listing builder item
$lang = ( ! empty( FWP()->facet->http_params['lang'] ) ) ? FWP()->facet->http_params['lang'] : apply_filters( 'wpml_current_language', null );
switch ( $lang ) {
case 'en' :
$value = 'My english button text';
default :
$value = 'Default button text';
return $value;
}, 10, 2 );
// If the Button has a link set, use this instead:
add_filter( 'facetwp_builder_item_value', function( $value, $item ) {
if ( 'el-pgnldu' == $item['settings']['name'] ) { // Replace 'el-2epdx' with the name of your listing builder item
$lang = ( ! empty( FWP()->facet->http_params['lang'] ) ) ? FWP()->facet->http_params['lang'] : apply_filters( 'wpml_current_language', null );
switch ( $lang ) {
case 'en' :
$text = 'My english button text';
default :
$text = 'Default button text';
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$link = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a')->item(0);
$link->nodeValue = $text;
$value= $dom->saveHTML();
return $value;
}, 10, 2 );
12 months ago
/** change 'Default sort' to the text of your Default label setting of your search facet, be sure to match exactly including case
** https://facetwp.com/help-center/facets/facet-types/sort/#available-options
** change 'my_search_facet' to the name of your search facet (2 places)
** change 'Relevance' to whatever you want the default label to be when using a search facet
add_filter( 'facetwp_i18n', function( $text ) {
if ( 'Default sort' == $text && isset( FWP()->facet->facets['my_search_facet']['selected_values'] ) && !empty( FWP()->facet->facets['search']['selected_values'] ) ) {
return 'Relevance';
return $text;
1 year ago
/** shows prev link while on page 1 and next link while on last page
add_filter( 'facetwp_facet_html', function( $output, $params ) {
if ( 'standard_pager' == $params['facet']['name'] ) { // change 'standard_pager' to name of your pager facet
$page = FWP()->facet->pager_args['page'];
$total = FWP()->facet->pager_args['total_pages'];
if ( 2 > $page ) { // if this is page 1
// add the prev page link
$label = facetwp_i18n( $params['facet']['prev_label'] );
$class = 'facetwp-page prev active';
$data = ' data-page="1"';
$html = '<a class="' . $class . '"' . $data . '>' . $label . '</a>';
$output = str_replace( '<div class="facetwp-pager">', '<div class="facetwp-pager">' . $html, $output );
} elseif ( $page == $total) { // if this is last page
// add the next page link
$label = facetwp_i18n( $params['facet']['next_label'] );
$class = 'facetwp-page next active';
$data = ' data-page="' . $page .'"';
$html = '<a class="' . $class . '"' . $data . '>' . $label . '</a>';
$output = str_replace( '</div>', $html . '</div>', $output ); //
return $output;
}, 10, 2 );
6 months ago
// Note: in FacetWP 4.3.2 the facetwp_i18n hook was added to the Button item, making it easier to translate the Button text.
// See: https://facetwp.com/help-center/listing-templates/listing-builder/#translate-the-button-item-text
// The solution below can still be used for older FacetWP versions and other items.
// Allows for string translation from pll_register_string in layout builder
add_filter( 'facetwp_builder_item_value', function( $value, $item ) {
if ( 'my-item' == $item['settings']['name'] ) {
$current = ( !empty( FWP()->facet->http_params['lang'] ) ) ? FWP()->facet->http_params['lang'] : pll_current_language();
$value = pll_translate_string( 'Read More', $current );
return $value;
}, 10, 2 );
4 years ago
add_filter( 'facetwp_i18n', function( $string ) {
if ( isset( FWP()->facet->http_params['lang'] ) ) {
$lang = FWP()->facet->http_params['lang'];
// Original = Spanish
// Destination = English (en)
$translations = [];
$translations['en']['Mostrando [lower] - [upper] de [total] resultados'] = 'Showing [lower] - [upper] of [total] results';
$translations['en']['1 resultado'] = '1 result';
$translations['en']['No hay resultados'] = 'No results';
if ( isset( $translations[ $lang ][ $string ] ) ) {
return $translations[ $lang ][ $string ];
return $string;
5 years ago
/** checks WPML current language if FWP()->facet->http_params['lang'] is not set
add_filter( 'facetwp_i18n', function( $string ) {
if ( isset( FWP()->facet->http_params['lang'] ) ) {
$lang = FWP()->facet->http_params['lang'];
else {
$lang = apply_filters( 'wpml_current_language', null );
$translations = [];
$translations['es']['Products'] = 'Productos';
$translations['es']['Location'] = 'Ubicación';
if ( isset( $translations[ $lang ][ $string ] ) ) {
return $translations[ $lang ][ $string ];
return $string;
}, 11 );
6 years ago
* Custom functions that deal with various plugin integrations of WP Job Manager.
* @package Listable
* ====== FacetWP - https://facetwp.com/ ======
/* ------- UTILITY FUNCTIONS --------- */
* Retrieve all defined facets in the the settings
function listable_get_all_facets() {
return FWP()->helper->get_facets();
function listable_get_facets_by_area( $area = 'front_page_hero' ) {
$facets = array();
$listable_facets = (array) json_decode( get_option( 'listable_facets_config' ), true ) ;
if ( isset( $listable_facets[ $area ] ) ) {
$facets = $listable_facets[ $area ];
return apply_filters( 'listable_get_facets_by_area', $facets, $area );
* Return the markup for facets
* @param array $facets
function listable_get_display_facets( $facets ) {
$output = '';
if ( ! empty( $facets ) ) {
foreach ( $facets as $facet ) {
$facet_name = is_array( $facet ) ? $facet['name'] : $facet;
$output .= facetwp_display( 'facet', $facet_name );
return $output;
* Echo the markup for the given facets
* @param array $facets
function listable_display_facets( $facets ) {
echo listable_get_display_facets( $facets );
* Filter the html of each facet and add labels in front
function listable_facetwp_facet_html( $html, $params ) {
if ( isset( $params['facet'] ) && isset( $params['facet']['label'] ) ) {
$html = '<label class="facetwp-filter-title">' . facetwp_i18n( $params['facet']['label'] ) . '</label><div class="facet-wrapper">' . $html . '</div>';
return $html;
add_filter( 'facetwp_facet_html', 'listable_facetwp_facet_html', 10, 2 );
* Automatically add a Listings template to FacetWP since we so desperately need it
* @param array $templates
* @return array
function listable_register_listings_template( $templates ) {
$templates[] = array(
'label' => 'Listings',
'name' => 'listings',
'query' => '',
'template' => ''
return $templates;
add_filter( 'facetwp_templates', 'listable_register_listings_template' );
* Enable WP archive detection for FacetWP templates
* Requires FacetWP 2.4.1
add_filter( 'facetwp_template_use_archive', '__return_true' );
* Filter the FacetWP query when using the "listings" template in FacetWP
function listable_facetwp_query_args( $query_args, $facet ) {
if ( 'listings' != $facet->template[ 'name' ] ) {
return $query_args;
if ( '' == $query_args ) {
$query_args = array();
// Prevent "Undefined index" error for search facets
$search = '';
if ( ! empty( $facet->http_params[ 'get' ][ 's' ] ) ) {
$search = $facet->http_params[ 'get' ][ 's' ];
$defaults = array(
'post_type' => 'job_listing',
'post_status' => 'publish',
's' => $search,
$query_args = wp_parse_args( $query_args, $defaults );
return $query_args;
add_filter( 'facetwp_query_args', 'listable_facetwp_query_args', 10, 2 );
* Output the loop for the listings when using the "listings" template in FacetWP
* This is used to load the listings via AJAX
function listable_facetwp_template_html( $output, $class ) {
global $post;
//on frontpage we generally hide facet results, excepting the case when the page template requires a listing archive
if ( '' == $class->http_params['uri'] && ! has_shortcode( $post->post_content, 'jobs' ) ) {
return $output;
if ( 'listings' != $class->template[ 'name' ] || is_single() ) {
return $output;
$query = $class->query;
echo '<div class="grid list job_listings">';
if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
while ( $query->have_posts() ) {
get_template_part( 'job_manager/content', 'job_listing' );
} else {
get_template_part( 'job_manager/content', 'no-jobs-found' );
echo '</div>';
$output = ob_get_clean();
return $output;
add_filter( 'facetwp_template_html', 'listable_facetwp_template_html', 10, 2 );
function listable_fix_geolocation_indexing( $params, $class ) {
//first the user must select as source the geolocation_lat
if ( 'cf/geolocation_lat' == $params['facet_source'] ) {
$lat = $params['facet_value'];
if ( ! empty( $lat ) ) {
$lat = get_post( $params[ 'post_id' ] )->geolocation_lat;
$lng = get_post( $params[ 'post_id' ] )->geolocation_long;
//save the latitude in the facet value
$params['facet_value'] = $lat;
//save the longitude in the facet display value
$params['facet_display_value'] = $lng;
return $params;
add_filter( 'facetwp_index_row', 'listable_fix_geolocation_indexing', 10, 2 );
function listable_fwp_index_wpjm_product_prices( $params, $class ) {
if ( 'cf/_products' == $params['facet_source'] ) {
$product_ids = (array) maybe_unserialize( $params['facet_value'] );
foreach ( $product_ids as $id ) {
$product = wc_get_product( $id );
if ( is_object( $product ) ) {
$price = $product->get_price();
$params['facet_value'] = $price;
$params['facet_display_value'] = $price;
$class->insert( $params );
return false; // skip default
return $params;
add_filter( 'facetwp_index_row', 'listable_fwp_index_wpjm_product_prices', 10, 2 );
function listable_fwp_admin_scripts() {
if ( ! isset( $_GET['page'] ) || $_GET['page'] !== 'job-manager-settings') {
wp_enqueue_style( 'fwp_job_manager_admin_css', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/admin/fwp-settings.css', array( 'job_manager_admin_css' ) );
wp_register_script( 'fwp_sortable_js',get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/admin/facetwp/sortable.js', array(), null, true );
wp_enqueue_script( 'fwp_job_manager_admin_js',get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/admin/facetwp/fwp.js', array( 'job_manager_admin_js', 'fwp_sortable_js' ), null, true );
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'listable_fwp_admin_scripts', 11 );
function listable_wpjm_facets_drag_drop_interface ( $option, $attrs, $value, $placeholder ) {
$current_values = json_decode( $value, true );
$all_facets = FWP()->helper->get_facets();
<div class="available_block">
<h2><?php esc_html_e( 'Facets Advanced Filtering', 'listable' ); ?></h2>
<p><?php esc_html_e( 'Add filtering fields to your site and allow your visitors to better search through the listings', 'listable' ); ?></p>
<div class="sortable_block">
<h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Available Facets', 'listable' ); ?></h3>
<p><em><?php esc_html_e( 'Drag and drop the facets you'd like to add into the right side boxes', 'listable' ); ?></em></p>
<ul id="facets_list" class="facets">
<?php listable_admin_show_facets_items( $all_facets ); ?>
<div class="facets-config">
<input type="hidden" id="setting-listable_facets_config" name="listable_facets_config" value='<?php echo json_encode( $current_values ); ?>'>
<div class="sortable_block">
<h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Listing Archive', 'listable' ); ?></h3>
<p><em><?php esc_html_e( 'This area is where most of your facets should go (except the ones already shown in the Navigation Bar)', 'listable' ); ?></em></p>
<ul id="listings_archive_visible" class="facets">
if ( ! empty( $current_values['listings_archive_visible'] ) ) {
listable_admin_show_facets_items( $current_values['listings_archive_visible'] );
} ?>
<div class="secondary_blocks">
<p><em><?php esc_html_e( 'Facets dragged here will be hidden under an "More Filters" button', 'listable' ); ?></em></p>
<ul id="listings_archive_hidden" class="facets">
if ( ! empty( $current_values['listings_archive_hidden'] ) ) {
listable_admin_show_facets_items( $current_values['listings_archive_hidden'] );
} ?>
<div class="sortable_block">
<h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Navigation Bar', 'listable' ); ?></h3>
<p><em><?php esc_html_e( 'Site-wide available facets. Choose wisely a maximum of two of the most essential filters -- the rest of them go to the Listings Archive section.', 'listable' ); ?></em></p>
<ul id="navigation_bar" class="facets">
if ( ! empty( $current_values['navigation_bar'] ) ) {
listable_admin_show_facets_items( $current_values['navigation_bar'] );
} ?>
<div class="sortable_block">
<h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Front Page Hero', 'listable' ); ?></h3>
<p><em><?php esc_html_e( 'Considering that Navigation Bar facets will not be shown on the Front Pagem feel free to use a similar configuration.', 'listable' ); ?></em></p>
<ul id="front_page_hero" class="facets">
if ( ! empty( $current_values['front_page_hero'] ) ) {
listable_admin_show_facets_items( $current_values['front_page_hero'] );
} ?>
add_action( 'wp_job_manager_admin_field_fwp_drag_and_drop', 'listable_wpjm_facets_drag_drop_interface', 10, 4 );
function listable_admin_show_facets_items( $facetwp_settings = array() ) {
if ( empty( $facetwp_settings ) ) {
foreach ( $facetwp_settings as $facet ) {
if ( empty( $facet ) ) {
if ( ! is_array( $facet ) ) {
$facet = FWP()->helper->get_facet_by_name( $facet );
<li data-facet="<?php echo $facet['name']; ?>">
<span class="title"><?php echo $facet['label']; ?></span>
<span class="type"><?php echo $facet['type']; ?></span>
<span class="facet-remove">x</span>
<?php }
// disable google-maps api load in facetwp ... we will do in in theme
add_filter( 'facetwp_proximity_load_js', '__return_false' );
2 years ago
** Modify text of "Enable map filtering" and "Reset" buttons.
** These button texts can be changed with a setting since v1.0.4 of the Map add-on.
** The texts can also be translated with the facetwp_i18n hook.
add_filter( 'gettext', function( $translated_text, $untranslated_text, $domain ) {
if ( 'facetwp-map-facet' == $domain ) {
if ( $translated_text == 'Enable map filtering' ) {
$translated_text = 'Use map as filter';
if ( $translated_text == 'Reset' ) {
$translated_text = 'Disable map as filter';
return $translated_text;
}, 10, 3 );
7 years ago
Plugin Name: FacetWP - WPML
Description: WPML support for FacetWP
Version: 1.3.0
Author: FacetWP, LLC
Author URI: https://facetwp.com/
GitHub URI: facetwp/facetwp-wpml
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or exit;
class FWP_WPML
public $default_language;
public $current_language;
function __construct() {
add_action( 'init' , array( $this, 'init' ), 9 );
* Initialize
function init() {
if ( defined( 'ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION' ) && function_exists( 'FWP' ) ) {
add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $this, 'wp_footer' ), 30 );
add_action( 'facetwp_refresh', array( $this, 'set_ajax_langauge' ) );
add_filter( 'facetwp_render_params', array( $this, 'support_preloader' ) );
add_filter( 'facetwp_indexer_query_args', array( $this, 'indexer_query_args' ) );
add_action( 'facetwp_indexer_post', array( $this, 'set_post_language_code' ) );
// Setup properties
$this->default_language = apply_filters( 'wpml_default_language', null );
$this->current_language = apply_filters( 'wpml_current_language', null );
// Require WPML String Translation
if ( function_exists( 'icl_register_string' ) ) {
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'register_strings' ) );
add_filter( 'facetwp_i18n', array( $this, 'facetwp_i18n' ) );
* Put the language into FWP_HTTP
function wp_footer() {
$lang = $this->current_language;
echo "<script>var FWP_HTTP = FWP_HTTP || {}; FWP_HTTP.lang = '$lang';</script>";
* Support FacetWP preloading (3.0.4+)
function support_preloader( $params ) {
if ( isset( $params['is_preload'] ) ) {
$params['http_params']['lang'] = $this->current_language;
return $params;
* Set the correct language for ajax requests
function set_ajax_language() {
$http = FWP()->facet->http_params;
if ( isset( $http['lang'] ) && $http['lang'] !== $this->default_language ) {
do_action( 'wpml_switch_language', $http['lang'] );
* Index all languages
function indexer_query_args( $args ) {
if ( function_exists( 'is_checkout' ) && is_checkout() ) {
return $args;
if ( -1 === $args['posts_per_page'] ) {
do_action( 'wpml_switch_language', 'all' );
$args['suppress_filters'] = true; // query posts in all languages
return $args;
* Find a post's language code
function get_post_language_code( $post_id ) {
global $wpdb;
$query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT language_code FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translations WHERE element_id = %d", $post_id );
return $wpdb->get_var( $query );
* Set the indexer language code
function set_post_language_code( $params ) {
$language_code = $this->get_post_language_code( $params['post_id'] );
do_action( 'wpml_switch_language', $language_code );
* Register dynamic strings
function register_strings() {
$facets = FWP()->helper->get_facets();
$whitelist = array( 'label', 'label_any', 'placeholder' );
if ( ! empty( $facets ) ) {
foreach ( $facets as $facet ) {
foreach ( $whitelist as $k ) {
if ( ! empty( $facet[ $k ] ) ) {
do_action( 'wpml_register_single_string', 'FacetWP', $facet[ $k ], $facet[ $k ] );
* Handle string translations
function facetwp_i18n( $string ) {
$lang = $this->current_language;
$default = $this->default_language;
if ( isset( FWP()->facet->http_params['lang'] ) ) {
$lang = FWP()->facet->http_params['lang'];
if ( $lang != $default ) {
return apply_filters( 'wpml_translate_single_string', $string, 'FacetWP', $string, $lang );
return $string;
$fwp_wpml = new FWP_WPML();