
10 months ago
 ** Facet automatically indexes latitude and longitude from an ACF map field
 ** This will index other data saved in other sub fields
 ** Note that these fields are optional and may not exist
 ** See ACF docs for more -

add_filter( 'facetwp_index_row', function( $params, $class ) {
	if ( 'my_facet' == $params['facet_name'] ) { // change my_facet to name of your facet
		$post_id = $params['post_id'];
		$acf = str_replace( 'acf/', '', $params['facet_source'] );
		$location = get_field( $acf, $post_id );
		$value = $location['city'] ?? ''; 
		if ( '' != $value ) {
			$params['facet_value'] = $value;
			$params['facet_display_value'] = $value;
		} else {
			$params['facet_value'] = ''; // don't index
	return $params;
}, 10, 2 );
11 months ago
add_action('facetwp_scripts', function () {
    (function($) {
      document.addEventListener('facetwp-refresh', function() {
        if ( 'undefined' != typeof FWP_MAP && true === FWP_MAP.is_filtering) {
          $('.facetwp-location').val(''); // reset the value of the input field
          $('.facetwp-lat').val(''); // reset hidden field
          $('.facetwp-lng').val(''); // reset hidden field
          $('.facetwp-radius option').each(function () {
            if (this.defaultSelected) {
              this.selected = true;
              return false;
            } // reset default radius if it is a dropdown
          FWP.facets['my_proximity_facet'] = []; // change 'my_proximity_facet' to name of your Proximity facet
}, 100);
12 months ago
/** turn off map filtering when resetting the map facet **/
add_action('facetwp_scripts', function () {
        (function($) {
            FWP.hooks.addAction('facetwp/reset', function() {
                $.each(FWP.facet_type, function(type, name) {
                    if ('map' === type) {
                        var $button = $('.facetwp-map-filtering');
                        FWP_MAP.is_filtering = false;
}, 100);
1 year ago
.gm-style-iw-tc {
  display: none;
1 year ago
add_filter( 'facetwp_render_output', function( $output, $params ) {
    if ( FWP()->ajax->is_preload && isset( $output['settings']['map']['locations'] ) ) {
        $output['settings']['map']['locations'] = [];
    return $output;
}, 11, 2 );
2 years ago
 ** Adds marker click action to add a circle radius around clicked marker
 ** Clicking another marker clears the previous circle
 ** Note: facetwp_scripts action requires FacetWP v4.2.2+
 ** More info:

add_action( 'facetwp_scripts', function() {
        (function($) {
          FWP.hooks.addAction('facetwp_map/marker/click', function(marker) {

            // Clear existing marker if it exists
            if ( 'undefined' !== typeof FWP_MAP.circ )
    ; // Clear circle from map
     = null; // Remove circle instance entirely

            // var post_id = marker.post_id; // The marker's post_id could be used to apply this code only to certain markers.
            var lat =;
            var lng = marker.position.lng();

            FWP_MAP.circ = new google.maps.Circle({
                center: {
                    lat: lat,
                    lng: lng
                radius: 25000, // Circle radius in meters
                fillColor: '#FF0000', // Circle coloring
                fillOpacity: 0.35, // Circle opacity
                strokeColor: "#FF0000", // Circle outline color
                strokeOpacity: 0.8, // Circle outline opacity
                strokeWeight: 2, // Circle outline thickness
            // Optional: when an infoWindow is closed, clear the circle from the map
            google.maps.event.addListener(FWP_MAP.infoWindow, 'closeclick', function() {

            // Optional: when the map is clicked anywhere, clear the circle from map
            google.maps.event.addListener(, 'click', function(event) {

  }, 100 );
3 years ago
/** basic check to keep only one map marker per location
 ** assumes lat is unique without having to check lng also

Class FWPMapDulicateChecker
    public $locations = [];

    function __construct() {

        add_filter( 'facetwp_map_marker_args', function( $args, $post_id ) {
            $lat = $args['position']['lat'];
            if ( false === array_search( $lat, $this->locations ) ) {
                $this->locations[] = $lat;
            } else {
                return false;
            return $args;
        }, 10, 2 );
new FWPMapDulicateChecker();
3 years ago
/** be sure your link has a data-id attribute with the postid and a data-lat attribute with the latitude

add_action( 'wp_head', function() { ?>
        (function($) {
            $( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.post-item', function(e) {
            e.preventDefault(); // Necessary if '.post-item' is an <a> tag and you don't want it to open the post page itself.
            var postid = $(this).attr('data-id');
            var postlat = $(this).attr('data-lat');  // add a data-lat to the <a> tag with the location's latitude value
            var marker = FWP_MAP.get_post_markers(postid);
            $.each( marker, function( key, value ) {	    
                if ( == postlat ) {
                lng: value.position.lng()
                FWP_MAP.is_zooming = true; // Needed if you are using the "Enable map filtering" button
      ; // Set a zoom level between 1 and 20. Make sure it is higher than the marker clusterer's bottom limit.		
                // google.maps.event.trigger(value, 'click'); // If you don't have spiderfied markers
                google.maps.event.trigger(value, 'spider_click'); // If you have spiderfied markers. Will also work if you don't have spiderfied markers.	    
<?php } );
8 months ago
 * Set marker content specific to the ACF repeater locaton.
 * Change 'locations_multi' to the name of the ACF repeater field.
 * Change 'store' to the name of the Google Map field within the repeater field.
 * Add other or different code as needed to $args['content']. This overwrites anything in the 'Marker content' setting.
 * For more info and an example on how to use other custom fields within the repeater field, see:

add_filter( 'facetwp_map_marker_args', function( $args, $post_id ){

    $latitude = $args['position']['lat'];
    $locations = get_field( 'locations_multi', $post_id );

    foreach ( $locations AS $location ) {
        if ( (string)$location['store']['lat'] == (string)$latitude ) {
            $args['content'] = $location['store']['address']; // Retrieves Google address from the Google Map field.
            // Or:
            // $args['content'] = $location['other_field']; // Retrieves value from another custom field in the repeater

    return $args;

}, 10, 2 );
3 years ago

// Add to your (child) theme's functions.php
// Note that this is untested, and may have side effects!

add_filter( 'facetwp_map_marker_args', function( $args, $post_id ) {
    if ( ! isset( FWP()->map_locations ) ) {
        FWP()->map_locations = [];

    // generate the hash for checking duplicates
    $hash = $args['position']['lat'] . ':' . $args['position']['lng'];

    // skip if this exact location has already been used
    if ( isset( FWP()->map_locations[ $hash ] ) ) {
        return false;

    FWP()->map_locations[ $hash ] = true;
    return $args;
}, 10, 2 );