* "Load more" works by appending new content into .facetwp-template
* The problem here is that the actual results are several elements deep, so "Load more" is
* appending unnecessary container elements and breaking the layout.
* The code below cherry-picks the new content from ".pp-content-post-grid" and injects it
* into the existing ".pp-content-post-grid" container element.
add_action( 'wp_footer', function() {
(function($) {
FWP.hooks.addFilter('facetwp/template_html', function(resp, params) {
if (FWP.is_load_more) {
FWP.is_load_more = false;
var html = $(params.html).find('.pp-content-post-grid').html();
$('.facetwp-template .pp-content-post-grid').append(html);
return true;
return resp;
}, 8);
}, 100 );