Hide a “grandparent” element if all facets are empty

/** hide entire section of facets if none have options
 ** facet-wrap is individual facet wrapper element
 ** facetwp-wrapper is wrapper elenement around all facets (grandparent)
function($) {
    document.addEventListener('facetwp-loaded', function() {
        var $all = 0; // for checking all facets
        $.each(FWP.settings.num_choices, function(key, val) {
        var $facet = $('.facetwp-facet-' + key);
        var $parent = $facet.closest('.facet-wrap');
        var $flyout = $facet.closest('.flyout-row');
        if ($parent.length || $flyout.length) {
            var $which = $parent.length ? $parent : $flyout;
            (0 === val) ? $which.hide() : $which.show();
            $all += val; // add any values from this facet
        (0 === $all) ? $('.facetwp-wrapper').hide() : $('.facetwp-wrapper').show(); // show hide wrapper depending on whether any facets had values