User Post Type – manually update the UPT post when a usermeta field is updated

* Manually update the upt_user post when a specific usermeta field is updated.
* @keywords EDD Front End Submission

add_action( 'updated_user_meta', function( $meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, $_meta_value ) {

    // Only run for "profile_active" field
    if( $meta_key == 'profile_active' ) {

    	// Get post ID and manually update meta
    	$postid = get_user_meta( $object_id, '_upt_post_id', TRUE );
    	update_post_meta( $postid, 'meta-profile_active', $_meta_value );

    	// Run FacetWP Indexer
    	FWP()->indexer->index( $postid );
}, 10, 4 );